Dr. Rudy Rosen author of video lessons
RUDOLPH “RUDY” ROSEN, Ph.D., is a professor and Director of the Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology at Texas A&M University in San Antonio, a Fellow of The Meadows Center for Water and the Environmentat Texas State University, and a former Research Associate at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. He directed a joint project between the Center and Institute called H2O – Headwaters to Ocean. H2O was focused on developing ways to help students of today become engaged water savvy citizens of tomorrow through teacher training, instructional materials development, research and experiential education enhanced with today’s newest mobile and interactive technologies. The H2O project formed the basis for Texas Aquatic Science, a comprehensive curriculum for water and aquatic sciences developed by the Meadows Center, Harte Research Institute and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Dr. Rosen authored the water education textbook Texas Aquatic Science, a product of the H2O partnership. Visit H2O at http://www.water-texas.org
Dr. Rosen is a former Director of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Coastal Resources for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. He was also Executive Director of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, where he served in the environmental cabinet of two governors. He has chaired the Gulf and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commissions and was President of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. He is a Certified Fisheries Scientist and has been elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists.
Dr. Rosen has degrees from Penn State, South Dakota State and the University of Massachusetts. He has work experience in both freshwater and coastal ecosystems. Before coming to The Meadows Center, he was responsible for workgroups conducting some of the largest coastal ecosystem restoration projects ever attempted on the Pacific Coast as director of the Western Regional Office for Ducks Unlimited. He also managed a workgroup responsible for wetland habitat inventory in northern climates, a project classifying habitat in up to 30 million acres per year in the boreal forests of Canada and Alaska.
Dr. Rosen specializes in conservation organization management, leadership, fundraising, and advocacy. He has served in international, national, and regional executive leadership positions in three of the nation’s largest wetlands, fish, and wildlife conservation advocacy organizations: the National Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, and Safari Club International and its foundation. Rosen has served on over 130 nonprofit and government national and international boards, commissions and committees and has written over 500 articles, blogs, and presentations on organizations, natural resources conservation, and policy. He has often appeared before the US Congress and state legislative bodies to testify on environmental resource conservation matters. He recently wrote the book Money for the Cause: A Complete Guide to Event Fundraising published by Texas A&M University Press. It’s an easy to understand yet comprehensive textbook on fundraising for environmental causes.